Joshua Nathanson

1976年生於華盛頓DC。現住加州洛杉磯,活動據點亦為此。2006年於加州巴沙迪那(Pasadena)的Art Center College of Design取得MFA。
納桑遜的作品在LA當地以外,國際間也有展出:Luce Gallery(義大利Torino)、ARNDT(新加坡)、Hester(NY)、356 S. Mission(LA);另外還有在Pepin Moore展出 (Jonas Wood策展)(LA)
大學、研究所之後,拜師於麥克凱利(Mike Kelley)、克里斯多夫威廉斯(Christopher Williams)、里茲萊納(Liz Larner)、海姆史坦貝克(Haim Steinbeck) 、馬力林米特(Marilyn Minter)。他獨自策畫各種展覽,作品至今在Art Los Angeles Contemporary,並與Lucy Indiana Dodd和 Bernhard Wilhelm共同在維也納展出。2015年首度在Various Small Fires(LA)舉辦個展,之後在Whitechapel Gallery(英國)、橫濱美術館(日本)等的美術館展中,作品亦被展出。2015年,他的作品被Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago收藏。
2006 | MFA, Fine Art, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA |
2000 | BFA, Fine Art, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY |
1976 | Born in Washington, D.C. |
2016 | "MAKE MEMORIES WITH THE BUNNY", Kaikai Kiki Gallery, Tokyo, Japan "Froth", Luce Gallery, Turin, Italy |
2015 | "Labor Day", Various Small Fires, Los Angeles, CA |
2006 | "Turvy Topsy", Art Center College of Design MFA Thesis Gallery, Pasadena, CA |
2005 | "Balance", Diktatorian Project Space, Berlin, Germany |
2002 | "Veneer", Mike George Gallery, New York, NY |
1998 | "Postcards", XYZ Gallery, Blacksburg, VA |
2018 | "L.A. Dreams", CFHILL Art Space, Stockholm, Sweden |
2017 | "Eternal Youth", Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Chicago, IL |
2016 | "Human Condition", curated by John Wolf, 2231 S Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA "Electronic Superhighway", Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK "Takashi Murakami’s Superfat Collection―From Shōhaku and Rosanjin to Anselm Kiefer", Yokohama Art Museum, Yokohama, Japan "The Grove: Joshua Nathanson, Ditte Gantriis and Juan Antonio Olivares, Hester", New York, NY |
2015 | "BAE A4N, An Instagram show, curated by Natalia Ibáñez Lario", Yautepec Gallery, Mexico City, MX "Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.", PIASA, Paris, France "Doodles", The Vanity Bakersfeld, Bakersfeld, CA "I Know You Got Soul", ARNDT, Singapore |
2014 | "Popular Panorama", Secret Recipe, Los Angeles, CA "Little Messages for Modern Shut-Ins", Aran Cravey, Los Angeles, CA "ABCOM", four81, New York, NY "Another Cats Show", 356 Mission, Los Angeles, CA |
2013 | "Reproduction", What Pipeline, Detriot, MI |
2012 | "The Nudes Painting Show", 3704 N Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA "Prince at the Forum", Beacon Arts Center, Los Angeles, CA "Good Time Owl City", The Sam Francis Gallery, Los Angeles, CA |
2011 | "From Where You Just Arrived", Pepin Moore, Los Angeles, CA "The Fake: Forgery and Its Place in Art", LA>< ART, Los Angeles, CA |
2010 | "Muspe Los Angeles", 1451 E 4th Street, Los Angeles, CA "Apocalypse Later", Pool House, Los Angeles, CA "WET PAINT 2: Nine Young LA Artists", Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles, CA "Support Group", Cottage Home, Los Angeles, CA |
2009 | "Domestic Partner", Workspace, Los Angeles, CA "Maximum Art n Art", C Marsh Space, Los Angeles, CA "Big Poster", Pro Choice, Vienna, Austria "Vegetables for Breakfast", Mountain Fold, New York, NY "Boofthle Booth-Booth: Deux Doox - The Hollywood Biennale", Pauline, Los Angeles, CA |
2008 | "Black Dragon Society (Finale Show)", Black Dragon Society, Los Angeles, CA "Delusionarium IV", Circus Gallery, Los Angeles, CA "Welcome To The Neighborhood", Tight Space, Santa Ana, CA "As If This Land Were Yours", Eveningside, Los Angeles, CA "Lucy Indiana Dodd", Joshua Nathanson, Bernhard Wilhelm, Egypt, Vienna, Austria |
2007 | "Boofthle - Booth Booth", Pauline, Los Angeles, CA |
2006 | "Beast or Dressed Like Beast", Flaca, London, UK |
2005 | "Prof. Winkler Kunst - Und Literaturtage", Circus of Books Gallery, Los Angeles, CA "Winters Back", Creaky Castle at Rollsportbahn Nizza, Frankfurt, Germany "Whalewolves", Golden Poodle Club, Hamburg, Germany |
2003 | "Dust is Mostly Skin", Past Tense Gallery, New York, NY |
2002 | "Spaces", 450 Broadway Gallery, New York, NY |
2000 | "Museum of Contemporary Art", Chicago, Chicago, IL |
2012 | "Prince at the Forum", Beacon Arts Center, Los Angeles, CA |
2008 | "Mystery of the Invisible Clock", Karyn Lovegrove Gallery at Husdon Salon, Los Angeles, CA |
2007 | "Where Was I? All About the Edges, Bag of Pockets", The Art of Semi-Autonomy, Pauline Gallery, Los Angeles, CA |